
Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Spanish 2 news cast

Students in Spanish 2 were instructed to give news casts as an alternative assessment for Semester tests! This group included a commercial for their love of the NEW VAN METER! Go Group!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Alternative for Semester Tests: Spanish 3 students had a choice of creating a music video to re-teach a grammatical concept in Spanish 3 from 2nd semester or re-teach through a "skit". The following example is one of the many very creative example my students produced. Although a little off-key in singing, their video shows they had fun creating a way to teach their classmates how to form commands! Bravo chicas!

After creating this lesson as a semester test project, keep in mind I had students doing videos on Preterite/Imperfect, Subjunctive, Future/Conditional and probability, my students demonstrated an "understanding" far beyond giving them a paper/pencil or online formative assessment. Spanish 2 students had to create a news show, and Spanish 1 students had to introduce their paper people and make a movie of their paper people---similar to a Flat Stanley Adventure! As I get these uploaded I will add these to my blog!